5 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score In today’s world, your credit score can have a significant effect on the financial aspects of your life. Your credit history determines loan and credit card interest rates, can raise your insurance premiums, and can even be a determining factor for getting a job. Therefore, it’s very […]
Radon – Why It Matters
Radon – Why It Matters What is Radon? It is a colorless, odorless and tasteless radioactive gas formed by the breakdown of uranium, a natural radioactive material found in soil, rock and groundwater. Radon released from the ground can build up to hazardous levels inside a home. Why Test for Radon? Radon is the […]
10 Best Kept Secrets Selling Your Home Fast
6 Tips for Selling Your Home Fast
If you want your property sold fast you’ll need to get as many eyeballs on your property as you possibly can. You will also need a strong internet presence. More than 93% of buyers are searching the internet to research and buy their homes. 1. You’ll need a single property website that is fully functional […]
No-no’s For Your Open House
What Must Go Before an Open House An open house is an important part of showing and selling your home, but it’s vital to understand that you will be essentially inviting strangers into your house. Here are some things you’ll want to secure beforehand, the first would be to use one of the home automation […]